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Batflix and chill vampire love coffin cartoon

Batflix and Chill

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Batflix and chill vampire love coffin cartoon

Vampires may be bloodthirsty but they are also hopelessly romantic. Case in point — this frisky fellow with his heart shaped coffin made for two. Ample, um, “sleeping quarters” are also equipped with an 8k flatscreen, stereophonic sound, and chilled champagne (tinted with just the right amount of blood to create a perfect pink). What vampiress could resist the invitation of this undead Casanova?

High Tech Cannibals Cartoon

Cannibal Cookery

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High Tech Cannibals Cartoon

Happy Earth Day! Please note this fine application of solar panels to provide necessary heating power while keeping the island environment pristine.

Baby Scan Ultrasound Cartoon


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But is it a boy or a girl?

Vampire Airlines Cartoon

Vampire Airlines

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Vampire Airlines Cartoon

Sure beats traveling overseas by boat in a box.

Witch Crash Self-Driving Broom Cartoon

Witch Crash

Witch Crash published on No Comments on Witch Crash

Witch Crash Self-Driving Broom Cartoon

Don’t worry, robotic cars are sooooooooo much safer.

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