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Camp Crystal Lake Closed Cartoon

End of Summer Blues

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Camp Crystal Lake Closed Cartoon

End of summer sadness is a real thing, and something that Jason Voorhees feels every year when Camp Crystal Lake locks its doors for the season. Despite his preternatural hatred of the camp and its irresponsible counselors, Jason nonetheless hates to see the camp shuttered and its staff (those that remain alive) vanish like so many leaves from the trees.

Camp Crystal Lake Closed Until Next Summer

While many people look forward to the fall with its cool temperatures, glowing colors, and fun filled holidays like Halloween, to others the end of summer is a sad time. Late August and September portend the start of winter and the freezing weather, silver skies, and horrible Christmas music that accompany the season. But don’t despair, summer lovers — as sure as the sun continues to rise in the sky before eventually turning red and consuming the earth, the summer season will return again with even greater brutality — hotter, longer, and accompanied by the hacking and slashing of foolish counselors who despite 12 bloody franchise films continue to take seasonal jobs at Camp Crystal Lake.

Caption text in case you’re a robot or using a translator: Despite his hatred of Camp Crystal Lake, Jason always felt sad when summer ended and there was no one around to kill.

Fry Day the 13th

Fry Day the 13th

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Fry Day the 13th

Nothing like a good old fashioned fry-up to burn off excess flesh and keep your stomach bubbling. Happy Friday the 13th for those who celebrate (I assume by watching horror movies). To everyone else, watch out for falling safes, rickety ladders, and machete wielding maniacs.

The Birth of Freddy Krueger Cartoon

Kill Born

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The Birth of Freddy Krueger Cartoon

This uncomfortable procedure is also known as a Reverse C-Section or sometimes an F-Section or Fred Section. Fortunately there are no documented instances of this procedure ever taking place in hospitals that exist outside of the world of cartoon nightmares.

Jason Voorhees Gratitude Board Cartoon

Gratitude with Attitude

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Jason Voorhees Gratitude Board Cartoon

Jason acknowledges the goodness in his life.

Fred Talks - Conference

FRED Talks

FRED Talks published on No Comments on FRED Talks

Fred Talks - Conference

Ideas worth dreading.

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