The Dark Side is real, and it can effect anyone – including beloved droid C-3P0 who has secret unspoken desires for his best friend, R2-D2. Originally this cartoon was going to feature Creepio peeking from the bushes at young Jedis in training but it seemed like something that might get me banned from social media where most of these cartoons display. So I reworked it a bit… and somehow this version feels even worse! But it does answer the question of what’s beneath that sexy shell of R2. Oh, if Threepio could only turn that faucet.
Who actually asked for these things to exist? Which company paid off which politicians to put homicidal robots in the skies and on the roads? What are all those truckers going to do when their jobs are replaced by toasters? Do you really need a cheap plastic shower squeegee from Amazon to be delivered by a drone? If robots are saving us labor, why are we all still working so hard? Do you actually want HAL taking control of your broomstick? Why does anything touched by Elon Musk always seem to explode?
Personally, I don’t want any robot putting its plastic hands on my broomstick. On the other hand, the way people drive nowadays sometimes I wish there was a competent robot at the wheel instead.
It’s a Parking Enforcement Officer’s wildest dream come true — a red zone that extends not just one or two city blocks, but across an entire planet!
NASA needs to hurry and up and collect their derelict rover before it gets impounded. The Martians have been watching us for years (plotting invasion, of course) and don’t want to see their pristine planet junked up like ours. All that ample desert space needs to be kept clear for future human meat processing plants and stockyards.
That little robot kicked ass. Apparently it was supposed to knock off over a decade ago, but instead continued to putter around Mars, taking photos and doing donuts in the dirt. Read up on its accomplishments here.
Thanks for reading! Check back next week for another horror comedy toon from Grinsane.
Fail a third time… expect a visit from the Blade Runner!
Obviously I’m a fan of the original Blade Runner, and I thought the new film was quite excellent as well. Honestly, I’m not even sure what the sequel was about, since I was so lost in the visuals, which I loved. Trying to cartoon some of those was a bit of a challenge for me. If you recognized my version of Rachael, I’m thrilled. If not, well, I hope the red-eyed owl clued you in.
I heard some griping about the new movie, mostly from people complaining it was too long. Too long, what, an extra 45 minutes longer than your average movie? Seriously, how many people let 45 minutes drift by like clouds on a summer day just scrolling through Facebook or checking sports scores? It makes a good case for the superiority of robots, frankly. Robots have no problem sitting still during long movies, they just can’t figure out the difference between cars and trees.
All over the map – robot nightmare
Personal true story about Blade Runner – I saw the original movie in the theater (the one with the tacky film noir voice over) when I was 12 years old. My mother took me and a bunch of other kids down to the theater and got us in. No idea where she went after that (probably to watch An Officer and a Gentleman at another theater). I think she thought she was dropping us off at a Star Wars sequel. Ooops!
Thank you for visiting Grinsane, your cartoon source for horror and science fiction comedy cartoons. Check back next week for more strange comics!
If you haven’t seen Black Mirror (the “Metalhead” episode) this cartoon probably makes no sense. And if you have seen it, well, you can certainly understand the reaction of the man and his dog in this cartoon. No shame, brah!
Bow wow yikes.
I just wrapped up Season Four and Metalhead was one of my favorites from all seasons. It’s a truly horrifying episode (not like the others are soothing bedtime stories), and like everything else in the series, the horror is only made more salient by its close relation to our own reality. I guess some sadistic misanthropic nitwits are currently working on their own creepy cybercur (one that doesn’t kill – yet). Please, people, don’t we have enough problems trying to avoid Elon Musk’s maniacal self-driving cars? Do we really need faceless dogs that can shoot guns and operate can openers?
The robot dog in Black Mirror is truly the stuff of nightmares, but also pretty dang cool from a horror villain perspective. It’s a like a four legged Terminator – the only thing missing is an Austrian accent when it barks. I’m hoping that drawing a cartoon version of the show’s plate metal pooch will provide me some therapeutic effect and I’ll be able to walk within 50 yards of real dog again. Or a toaster, for that matter.
Thanks for reading Grinsane! Check back end of week for another horror comedy cartoon. This Friday is Friday the 13th, and rumor has it that hockey boy Jason himself may be making an appearance, so stay tuned!