Our cats go nuts when they hear, see, or smell a bird of any kind. No way would I make the foolish mistake this family made by leaving their steaming bird out on the kitchen counter to cool. Consider this a public service announcement for your Thanksgiving holiday (assuming you live in the US and celebrate by cooking a giant bird with bread up its behind).
Thank you for reading. See you next week for another horror comedy cartoon from Grinsane!
Think of the humiliation our poor cats must feel, day-after-day, begging for breakfast and pawing the pillows. Herding us humans bleary eyed into the kitchen to prepare their royal feast of chicken byproducts and other disgustables, a dubious reward at best. What happens when they finally crack? When our belligerent kitties say to hell with the food, we are ending this tyranny once and for all?
This is how I imagine it playing out… with rope, matches, and gasoline.
It’s a dark vision, to be sure, but don’t be fooled into thinking our feline companions are nothing but innocent balls of fur and purr. If we were small enough, they would certainly eat us — after batting us around the floor for an hour or two first.
Thankfully, around here I can occasionally sleep in until eight before the villains spring into action. I suppose it makes me more productive on the weekends. Schedule is important, and cats are the ultimate alarm clock. That’s what I tell myself at least.
Joke 1: Since cat’s have nine lives, they are intrinsically good at playing Russian Roulette.
Joke 2: Playing Russian Roulette isn’t dangerous no matter who you are playing!
It would be interesting to figure out the actual odds of playing a cat with nine lives. Let’s say there is one bullet in each gun, and each gun holds six shots… what are your chances of coming out alive?
Not very good, I imagine.
Some of you might recognize this cartoon as play off of the Deer Hunter, a very fine movie, and obligatory viewing for anyone who considers themselves a fan of Christopher Walker or Russian Roulette.
Don’t try this game at home, kids. Stick with soccer!
Extra Credit: Name This Band
Thanks for reading Grinsane. Check back later this week for more strange horror comedy comics.
Such a peaceful portrait. Well, they say ignorance is bliss…
I’ve got an alternate version of this cartoon with additional cats and additional brooms and all manner of evil taking place, but my editor (my wife) suggested I go with the simple one.
Anyone with cats, especially cats who are allowed to roam outside at night, know they’ve got their own scene that takes place after most of humans go to sleep. And it’s probably best to know as little as possible about what’s happening out there.
Bloody carnage on the door step, missing chunks of ear, and the appearance of kittens looking for daddy lets you know there are some wild streets out there.
So be responsible, witches – keep your brooms fueled up so kitty can get back home safely after a night of carousing.
And ask no questions!
See you Friday for another horror comedy cartoon from Grisane.
“Feline fiend?” Jackson would say. “I can tell by your language who has the attitude here.”
Okay, Jackson, you spend a night with him then. I look forward to hearing your analysis in the morning — via Ouija board. Because that guitar case you carry around? It won’t be full of cat toys anymore, it will be full of you. Chopped up tiny pieces of you.
You see, this cat kills boyfriends, tortures petsitters, and has put more than one veterinarian in the human hospital.
This cat is not only evil, he’s completely Grinsane!
Fortunately for Mr. Galaxy, this cat only exists on paper (I’ve been drawing him in one malevolent form or another for over 20 years now). Maybe some of those classic tales of horror will make their way to this website at some point. For now, here’s a little blast from the past (in watercolor, no less):
20 minutes of additional playtime won’t correct this bad cattitude.
And those are the comics for this week, folks. Check back next Tuesday for more horror comedy cartoons!