I’m not sure why children aren’t allowed to jump on beds in the absence of a trampoline (I wasn’t), but the universal ban on this thrilling activity apparently applies to the vampire world as well as the human one. Fortunately, unruly bed bouncing eventually runs its course when human children learn how to skateboard and vampire children learn how to transform into bats and fly.
I’ve been having fun with this vampire mom character and her unruly pack of bloodsucking brats. She’s scheduled to make another appearance on Friday, so make sure to check back soon!
To pour ice water on your head, snort cinnamon, and eat 13 Tide Pods during the Worm Moon. Also, torch the library, kill your parents, and hang yourself from the church steeple.
Hoax? Maybe, maybe not. Parents are still trying to figure out how to use email, so what do they really know about creepy meme challenges on Whatsapp? Don’t worry, though — Kim Kardashian says Momo is real which should be enough to mobilize President Trump on the issue.
Kim sez Momo iz a nono.
Others say the Momo is kaput, like Momo creator Keisuke Aiso who claims to have destroyed his own creation (the sculpture, not the meme). But as every horror fan knows, you don’t just kill the bogeyman, especially on the internet which was designed to withstand a nuclear holocaust. Because of this, Momo will continue to challenge children and horrify parents for at least another month or two before being replaced by another tech age challenge like licking poisonous toads or drilling a hole in one’s head and packing it with alka seltzer.
Thanks for reading! Possible horror double header of vampire toons next week – check back soon!
P.s. Momo commands you to share this cartoon using the buttons below.
I think there may have been a Family Circus cartoon along these lines once, but it didn’t contain human sacrifice, near nudity, and tentacles. Consider this an alt comix upgrade!
In my experience, children don’t really dig church, I know I sure didn’t. Something about having to sit still for more than five minutes. I’m assuming whatever your religion — Christian, Lucyferian, or Cult of Cthulhu — the situation is the same.
Then you should be able to identify the Elder Gods depicted in the stained glass. Don’t bother trying to decipher the weird symbols, I just squiggled those out.
Thanks for reading! Check back next week for another horror comedy cartoon. Valentines Day is approaching fast, so get ready for romance…
I came up with the idea for this cartoon after spending a week with my 10 year old nephew. I know he loves his family, but these girls drive a hard bargain. Unlimited video games for all eternity? Chances are my own 10 year old self would have been right there in the room with them, and this would have been during the golden age of Atari when games were slightly, um, less sophisticated.
I had never heard of Fortnite before my nephew showed up my house last Spring and showed me YouTube videos of gamer celebrities annihilating one another with virtual machine guns and rocket launchers. Now I know who Ninja is and even have my own Fortnite account so I can play on the iPad (username withheld – I totally suck). I’m not too worried about slipping into the throws of video game addiction, however, since my day job + making cartoons already puts me in front of the computer way too long. I play a game every day called Fking Adobe.
Thanks for reading! Grinsane is wrapping up its first year of comics – stay tuned for another couple of episodes before the doors clank down on 2018. If there is something you would like to see me explore or parody for 2019, shoot me an email or leave a comment.
John Carpenter’s The Thing never mentions Mrs. MacReady, therefore I’ve taken a bit of artistic liberty here. There must be a reason J.R. is working in Antarctica, no? Escaping an ex wife and kids seems like a safe bet. For some reason their relationship never worked out despite a shared interest in strong bourbon, chain smoking, and extensive hair activator.
Which doesn’t mean that J.R. doesn’t care about his children. He drinks hard for a reason, and still manages to get out the occasional birthday card to Ooops 1 and Ooops 2 when the boat pulls into McMurdo. Still, giving kids a puppy for Christmas is something that should really be discussed by both parents. Who’s going to clean up after that dog, after all? I’m sure it won’t be J.R. unless he’s using a flame thrower.
Thanks for reading! More horror comedy holiday humor is on the way this month, so check back next week for another episode of Grinsane.