I’m not sure why children aren’t allowed to jump on beds in the absence of a trampoline (I wasn’t), but the universal ban on this thrilling activity apparently applies to the vampire world as well as the human one. Fortunately, unruly bed bouncing eventually runs its course when human children learn how to skateboard and vampire children learn how to transform into bats and fly.
I’ve been having fun with this vampire mom character and her unruly pack of bloodsucking brats. She’s scheduled to make another appearance on Friday, so make sure to check back soon!
Tennis rackets, butterfly nets, crossbows… really, anytime a vampire goes batty he or she is rolling the dice. But these dangers are nothing compared to the common cats found creeping around any castle. To a cat, bats are the crack cocaine version of birds.
When it comes to cats, the difference on whether you are the food bringer or the food itself is a matter of size. Vampires, for your own safety, make sure the cat is another room before going airborne. Although you may not die from getting snatched from the air by your own feline friend, getting tossed around as a cat toy until the cat grows weary of you is never a fun experience.
Thanks for visiting Grinsane! I’ve got several strange new toons brewing in the lab right now, check back next week to see ’em.
That’s the tagline from the Lost Boys, of course. And those bad boy bloodsuckers did have a rather fun life until Corey Feldman showed up on his bike with a backpack full of wooden stakes.
I’m not sure if the Frog Brothers would have liked Grinsane. I’m thinking this comic might appeal more to vampires than vampire hunters (anyone from either camp care to weigh in?)
I suspect the Martin Shkreli type with the vampire cure has more than just social harmony on his mind. He’s planning to make some bank with that new serum of his. In any case, he underestimated how eager his audience was to lose their fangs.
The only bank he’ll be visiting tonight is the one at the hospital where they store the blood.
If he makes it that far.
Before he turns.
And becomes one of them.
Forget the vampire serum, next year at this time he’ll be presenting his research on vampire sunscreen so he can hang out by the pool during the conference.
Thank you for reading Grinsane. Some freaky stuff is bubbling in the pot for next week. Visit again for more strange horror comedy cartoons!
Originally I wasn’t going to stick a caption on this cartoon. But then I started wondering, is it clear that “Vlad” is a vampire? I was thinking of Vlad the Impaler when I drew the cartoon, but not everyone believes VTI was a real vampire, just a guy who liked to spike people for the holidays.
Vlad the Impaler Christmas Card (original author unknown, but I touched it up and added a kitten)
Also, Vlad is a popular name in Eastern Europe. The guy in this cartoon might not be a vampire at all, just part of some Romanian fight club who’s kidneys took a pounding that night.
And, of course, I wasn’t about to redraw the thing to say “Dracula” – that would have been silly and ruined the serious tone of what you see here.
Vlad is a popular vampire name in any case. Vampire moms just love the name. Remember cute little “Laddie” from the Lost Boys? See, this cartoon doesn’t need a caption, just vampire literacy.
Little Laddy Vladdy
It’s a very peaceful scene, in any case. As a cartoonist that struggles not only with recognition, but actual art, I’m quite pleased at the pleasant mood this one evokes. I can almost hear the soft patter of snowflakes touching the ground amongst the faint screams from the castle dungeon.
So concludes Snow Week on Grinsane. Did you see the crazy snowman those creepy girls built on Tuesday? Check back next week for more strange and weird horror comedy cartoons!
I tried a couple versions with captions for this one, but ultimately decided let the bats squeak for themselves.
What’s the deal with bats sleeping upside down, or right side up, or vertical instead of horizontal, you know what I mean, anyway? Have you ever been camping and found yourself in the unfortunate situation of having your head lower than your body? It’s a great way to wake up with a headache. On the other hand, sleeping while hanging from one’s ears can’t be very satisfying either.
It must have something to do with feeding on human blood.
Just kidding. Bats don’t really do that, at least not very often. And if they didn’t, vampires would go extinct, so consider the ecological implications the next time you start accusing bats as being bloodsuckers.
More on the vampire extinction thing another time – I’ve got a whole grinsane theory for that one.
I’m looking forward to drawing more bat cartoons for the pages of this comic. Bats are fun to draw! And I’ve got a few more ideas for our flying friends.
No more toons till next Tuesday. Make sure to tune back in, I’ve got some fun stuff for you next week.