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Creepio Threepio C-3P0 star wars comic cartoon


Creepio published on No Comments on Creepio

Creepio Threepio C-3P0 star wars comic cartoon

The Dark Side is real, and it can effect anyone – including beloved droid C-3P0 who has secret unspoken desires for his best friend, R2-D2. Originally this cartoon was going to feature Creepio peeking from the bushes at young Jedis in training but it seemed like something that might get me banned from social media where most of these cartoons display. So I reworked it a bit… and somehow this version feels even worse! But it does answer the question of what’s beneath that sexy shell of R2. Oh, if Threepio could only turn that faucet.


The Woking Dead Woke Zombie Cartoon

The Woking Dead

The Woking Dead published on No Comments on The Woking Dead

The Woking Dead Woke Zombie Cartoon

First there were slow zombies. Then fast ones. And now…

The Woking Dead – or is it Wokeing Dead? – walk amongst us, torn between self loathing and a lust for power. These zombies, who identify as both living and dead, are barely able to stomach themselves, much less the flesh of others, knowing that the modern day zombie is actually a cultural appropriation of Caribbean religion. They would self-cancel if they could, but that’s not how being a zombie works. Instead they are driven to feed on others, attacking at every opportunity while growing their hoard.


Fred Talks - Conference

FRED Talks

FRED Talks published on No Comments on FRED Talks

Fred Talks - Conference

Ideas worth dreading.

Scroda Star Wars Cartoon Comic


Scroda published on No Comments on Scroda

Scroda Star Wars Cartoon Comic

May the Fourth Be With You. Rest in peace, Peter Mayhew.

Momo on the March Cartoon

Momo on the March

Momo on the March published on No Comments on Momo on the March

Momo on the March Cartoon

Disobey at your own peril!

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