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Thanksgiving Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface cartoon

Happy Thanksgiving (from Texas)

Happy Thanksgiving (from Texas) published on No Comments on Happy Thanksgiving (from Texas)

Thanksgiving Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface cartoon

Happy Thanksgiving! There are many Thanksgiving traditions, but none quite as revered as the slicing of the turkey. Traditionally this duty belongs to the patriarch, who has generally done nothing in the kitchen that day but suddenly emerges as the only one capable of this profound act of dexterity, thereby reaping an undeserved degree of credit for the meal while his beleaguered wife pours herself a fourth glass of wine and topples from exhaustion. But in the Sawyer Family the responsibility of cutting up the bird is granted to the youngest child, Leatherface, who does such a superb job rendering the meal into bite size bits that no one would dare challenge him. And mmmmmmmm, nothing really seasons a bird like fresh chainsaw oil.

Candy Extortion Halloween Cartoon

Sugar Shakedown

Sugar Shakedown published on No Comments on Sugar Shakedown

Candy Extortion Halloween Cartoon

And none of that cheap stuff, either…

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