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Dorchids orchids cartooon


Dorchids published on No Comments on Dorchids

Dorchids orchids cartooon

I was sitting on the couch the other night, wondering what to draw for a cartoon this week, and I noticed the weird flowers growing in the window sill. My wife has been purchasing discount orchids at the supermarket and placing them there. The flowers come in all different shapes and colors, and most of them appear to be either laughing or screaming. I’m assuming they are talking to one another and making jokes that only flowers find funny. They are obviously dorks, but also orchids. They are dorchids.

Marquis de Sod cartoon

Pain in the Grass

Pain in the Grass published on No Comments on Pain in the Grass

Marquis de Sod cartoon

He’ll whip your lawn into shape.

Russian Troll Farm Cartoon

Russian Troll Farm

Russian Troll Farm published on 2 Comments on Russian Troll Farm

Russian Troll Farm Cartoon

Finally, exclusive cartoon footage of a Russian troll farm. You’ve undoubtably been hearing a lot about these strange agricultural enterprises, and wishing someone could peel back the onion layers to give you a peek inside, and so… you’re welcome!


Fast Food for Carnivorous Plants

Fast Food for Carnivorous Plants

Fast Food for Carnivorous Plants published on 1 Comment on Fast Food for Carnivorous Plants

Fast Food for Carnivorous Plants

Even carnivorous plants have fallen victim to the rising trend of corporate food and instant gratification – and who can blame them? Let’s face it, fried ants taste better!

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