…then mine will kill you? Unsure exactly where this mashup is going but it’s likely to be loud and have lots of sharp, spinning, and spiky things.
I love both Hellraiser and Phantasm, especially the first movie in each series. There are actually quite a few similarities between the Tall Man and Pinhead — black outfits, deadly weaponry, interdimensional travel — so maybe the idea is not as far flung as it sounds. I imagine these two at a demonic cocktail party, eyeing each other curiously from across the room before gradually slinking into the corner for a bit of quiet exchange.
Some Halloween costumes require more than a simple mask, they require the performer to actually become the role. This isn’t a much of challenge if you are already goth 365 days a year and your costume is a witch (and you already are one). But a decent Pinhead, now that’s a challenge. You need more than a creepy Rubik’s cube and a black leather man dress to make a convincing entrance to the Halloween gala. You need galvanized steel and genuine suffering. Fetch the hammer and a box of 6 penny nails.
Always, too, when it comes to Halloween costumes, there is the girlfriend/boyfriend factor. When you have a significant other who loves Halloween, your days of costume independence are over. No more simply picking up a Captain Kirk mask at the local hardware store. You are now a team going forward. If your wife goes as Princess Leah, no doubt you are going as Darth Vader (or at least Luke if you can’t afford a decent mask and six inch platform shoes).
Have you ever worn a costume that you had no say in, that was all your significant other’s idea? Have you ever been someone’s Halloween accessory? I confess, I’m guilty of roping others into my costume theme, most notably the year that I convinced my wife to go as “Tory zombie wife” to match my British redcoat zombie. We were living in Boston at the time, and spent our Halloween in Salem — it had to be done!
The Redcoats are coming… out of the grave
Thank you for reading! I’m working on additional Halloween comics as you finish these words — check back next week for another horror comedy cartoon!
It’s only natural that Pinhead would have an equally spiky creature as a pet. Aristotle placed Cenobites and hedgehogs together in the same category (Things with Sharp Heads), and like attracts like, so…
Have you heard of the Lament Configuration? That’s the nerd name for the little puzzle box that opens the gate between our world and the Cenobite dungeon. “Lament” also describes my first experience drawing Pinhead. Placing those little pins was a real chore for this part time cartoonist. Maybe I should get out my claw hammer and adjust a few of those nails.
Hedgehogs, on the other hand, I discovered are relatively easy to draw (at least the Grinsane comic book version). They are very interesting creatures too. I had the distinct pleasure of living amongst them in Scandinavia where they would poke around the bushes and exude massive quantities of cuteness. Up to that point, I thought these strange micro-beasts only existed in video games and exotic pet stores.
I watched the original Hellraiser again while drawing this cartoon. Still a very fine movie after all these years. This comic is dedicated to my longtime friend Stan, whom I’ll be seeing this week for the first time in several years, Stan being a major fan of both hedgehogs and Hellraiser.
See you Friday for another Grinsane horror comedy cartoon!