Why keep a bunch of crunchy old flesh masks hanging around the house when you could be making room for new ones?
I don’t know, does it include spark plugs and make a lot of noise? Does it blend? Really, there is no reason for anyone to possess more than a dozen dead skin masks, especially an insane man child living in a remote part of Texas — there just aren’t enough social opportunities out there requiring that many changes of face.
I haven’t seen the Marie Kondo show. No desire. I like my unwieldy hoard of books. I like having a garage full of broken tools. I’ve still got power cables for every computer I’ve owned since 1995. I’ve got original Heavy Metal magazines from the 80s and Freak Brothers comics from the 70s and they aren’t going anywhere without a fight!
I feel like my cartoons are getting darker lately. Time for something more cutesy? I blame everything on the cats!
Thanks for reading — check back next week for more horror comedy cartoons from Grinsane!