Many people have mixed feelings about hunting, but managed properly, it can actually be good for the environment. There are way too many people on this planet!
This comic arose from a theoretical question I was pondering while out hiking during hunting season — what if for every 100 deer licenses issued to humans, there was one human license issued to a Predator. The Predator would only be allowed to harvest one human, and it couldn’t be a pregnant female. Would people still go hunting for deer?
Personally, I think the 1-in-100 odds might be a little discouraging to your average person. But bump them up to 1 human per 1000 deer and…?
Please leave me a comment if you have an opinion on the matter.
Also, if you think a movie sequel could be made around this concept.
One thing is for sure, under the new rules, hunters would really earn their trophies — if not becoming one first.
Thanks for reading! See you next week for another horror comedy cartoon from Grinsane.