This could work with the right burrito-to-air mixture and proper timing.
I’m taking a break this week from fantasy horror to explore the world of true crime! Or at least, theoretical crime, since I’m not sure anyone has tried this yet, and if they have and were successful, the authorities ain’t talking.
I’m also not completely sure of the physics involved in creating an explosion of this nature, but if you aren’t supposed to use your cell phone at a gas station, you probably shouldn’t be allowed to eat Taco Bell before getting zapped in the electric chair.
Originally I was going to run this cartoon on Cinco de Mayo. As the convict dashes into the night, he was going to yell, “Happy Cinco de Mayo, mother******s!” Then I realized it was Star Wars Day on May Fourth, and decided to launch Wookers instead, and spend a bit more time getting the sickly green color of the gas explosion in this cartoon just right.
Thank you for viewing another episode of Grinsane! Check back next Friday for another strange horror comedy cartoon.