Who you sit next to on a flight can make all the difference. This comic should be no problem to figure out, but to answer your question in advance, the young lady’s broom is in the shop!
Witches Fly at Night
Also, just because someone is a witch, that doesn’t mean she (or he, since don’t forget there are dude witches, too) rides around on brooms all the time. It’s kind of like cowboys – although any cowboy worth a bowl of beans can ride a horse, they usually leave Trigger in the barn when visiting Disney World.
So in the event that a young witch finds herself on a red eye flight with a couple of today’s overly sugared and caffeinated children (not to mention kids being hopped up on video games) it’s useful to have a few spells handy. And although a well-trained witch is capable of all manner of creative malfeasance, it’s important to respect the classics. Nothing says STFU like turning someone into a frog.
Unfortunately, although the kicking may have stopped, the croaking has just begun. Good luck to the little old lady with the blue hair, it’s still going to be a long flight to Florida.
Thank you for reading Grinsane. Pop back end of week for more strange cartoons and horror comedy comics. The next one is a real bone chiller, so don’t miss it!