Quetzalcoatl was the feathered serpent god of the Aztecs, a detail that may be important to understanding this cartoon. With the resurgence in recent years of many pagan religions (perhaps due to the popularity of Game of Thrones), it’s only a matter of time before a scenario like this plays out on your local street corner or supermarket parking lot. Be careful though about getting sucked into unfamiliar religions based on their attractive clothing and stylish hats — some have strict rituals associated with them that may be hard to comply with. In the case of the Aztecs, human sacrifice all the rage, and not just for the unfortunates captured in their wars or found wandering the beaches drunk after sunset. It was considered an honor for practitioners of the religion to willingly sacrifice themselves to the gods (sometimes after a game of basketball), having their still-beating hearts carved from their chests before their bodies were kicked down a steep flight of stairs and then eaten for dinner.