Sounds like an offer you can’t resist.
Yes, I think the right decision in these circumstances (trapped in a ramshackle house completely surrounded by zombies who obviously possess some degree of brain power), would be to step outside and take a quick nip on the wrist.
Consider the alternative. If those zombies bust inside that house, they will likely rip off limbs, unspool intestines, drain blood, and suck out brains before turning the victims into zombies, effectively handicapping them for the next chapter in their existence.
How much better would it be to start one’s undead adventure as a zombie with most of one’s physical abilities still intact? What a terrible start in death to have to move from one meal to the next using only one’s fingertips after one’s legs have effectively been eaten at the last zombie picnic.
If you have a different opinion on the matter, please let me know. In the meantime, thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next week for another strange horror comedy cartoon from Grinsane.
And Glad Midsommer! (Happy Solstice)