There is an idea of a Felix Catman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my feline gaze and you can shake my paw and feel claws gripping you and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

I saw American Psycho again lately, and the infernal cats have been killing things in the backyard, so that’s most likely the Genesis (a Bateman favorite), of this cartoon. Of course, if you haven’t seen the movie, this cartoon won’t make any sense. I think the film holds up pretty well after 20 years – there are even a couple of remarkably appropriate Trump references in there. There’s no real punch line in this comic – mostly I just wanted to draw this Grinsane cat running down a hallway with a chainsaw. Originally I drew tennis shoes on the cat to better match the movie and then it seemed a much better idea to give the krazy kitty natural boots from white fur.
Check back next week for more horror comedy cartoons!