They say video games are evil, but the Antichrist is evil too (duh), so if the Antichrist spends all of his time playing video games instead of Antichristing, does that make video games actually a force for good?
Or does it depend on the video game? Please contemplate this cartoon for the answer.
I don’t know video games well enough to really judge. My day job is too much like a video game to spend any additional time in front of the computer. But having been a kid when video games were born, I remember most of them being about fighting evil. That, and eating dots.
Oh, but there was that game Unreal Tournament, which I got hooked on for a short while at work. That’s the game where you shoot circular saw blades out of a gun to decapitate your coworkers. As “evil” as that sounds, it wasn’t like we were part of a Satanic cult, sacrificing cats (sniff) and listening to Stairway to Heaven backwards while we did it.
We did listen to Slayer, however, and drank a lot of Diet Coke.
So maybe video games are a little evil. The same has been said about cartoons, God bless ’em.
I’m not sure what game his young Lordship is playing, but if I had to guess, it’s something in the Mario family.
How can I tell? By the sad look on his followers’ faces, of course. Mario is highly addictive, the crack cocaine of the video game world. The cartoon Antichrist has been playing for days on end, much to the detriment of the end of days. The cult wants nothing more than to chant and blaspheme, but all they can do wait for the Devil Child to save another Princess. This isn’t what they sold their souls for!
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