Happy Star Wars Day. Unfortunately, a giant shadow looms over this one with Peter Mayhew, the big boy behind Chewbacca, passing away on Thursday. In addition to giving shape to one of Star Wars’ most iconic characters, Mayhew had a reputation as being one of the most fan-friendly Star Wars actors. Thanks for being a great guy as well as a great Wookie, Peter. Rest in Peace.
Use the Force, Chucky
In science fiction / horror crossover news, Mark Hamill has been announced as the new voice of Chucky the killer cyberdoll. Apparently the original Good Guy moppet from Childs Play 1, 2, 3, et al, has been upgraded to some kind of AI-powered apparatus (thanks, Cyberdyne), so it’s only fitting to plug spaceman Hamill into the voice box. Unfortunately, due to Imperial Copyright Law, we are unlikely to see a scene like this:

Meanwhile, On Planet Dagoballz
Yoda’s redneck brother wonders why he never had the same opportunities as his famous family member. New Grinsane Star Wars cartoon here.
May the Fourth Be With You!